^,^ quote of d day.. ^^

Selasa, 21 April 2009

award… award….

guess what..

award again…

waaa makan agie…


thx so much…


dapat dr

rifka, u_san, yuura, reks, yazmien naru, n hana..

smuaa awardx icha gabung ajjaa…

maaf iah temund2

tak icha sebutin satu2 yg mana award dr kaleeann,,,


a55bdb344892676b0fea545354654a49 a55bdb344892676b0fea545354654a49

The aims of this award:
• As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
• To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!

Here are the rules of the award:
• Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it.
• Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
• Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
• Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
• Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

I Like blogging because of several options..

~ having many plends

~ feeling in d pink, not red or blue..

~ adding my knowledge

~ as my diary


Ini Peraturannya :
1. Meletakkan logo / award di blogmu
2. Meletakkan link blog yang telah memberimu award
3. Berikan ke blog lain
4. Buat link blog lain yang kamu berikan award
5. Tinggalkan pesan di blog mereka

and then…

Rules :
1) Copy image kat atas ni.
--> Udah tuh neng,, hehehe..
2) Tulis sebarang komen pasal penghantar ni.
--> wahh.. rifka, yuura, makasih banyak yah :D
3) Send kat mane2 blogger yang kamu suka. (unlimited)
--> hmmm ..


award2 di ats..

moo qw tag ke…

1. rifka

2. u_san

3. reks

4. yuura

5. aka_chan

6. fadeL

7. yazmien naru

8. Hazu_chan

9. hana

10. agito dua2..

11. tman2 yg lum dpt award..

SmoGa tagh bosan2 kasi icha_pot award…

I luv u aLL…

3 komentar:

ʏɑƶuиɑҡɑ mengatakan...

hehe,slamat y awardnya!
wah,q di tag yah? Arigatou..!!

dian mengatakan...

waaaahhh..selamat atas awardnya...
semoga makin banyak ewotnya..

dan makacih banyak buat ewot-nya yak!
ntar bakal ku pasang! :)

Chitose_ mengatakan...

iyyaaa sama2...
